News of the US: Week one, November, 1811
November 1 — From Alexandria — We are informed that young apples, sufficiently large to entice the eager appetites of children, are now growing in a garden in this town. So far we are ahead of the Charleston folks, who had, by the last accounts from that city, nothing more than blossoms
November 1 — From New York –It was stated in the London papers received by the ship Triton, last week, that Louis Bonaparte, late King of Holland, had suddenly disappeared, and it was supposed he had emigated to America. This morning the Post Master of this city received the following letter from the Post Master in Philadelphia, announcing his arrival at Baltimore with four millions of dollars in gold. “Philadelphia, Oc. 31. The following is a copy of a note I received this morning from Baltimore. Rob’t Patton. [copy] “It is currently reported and believed by many, that Louis Bonaparte has just arrived at the Fort, and has with him four millions of dollars in gold.”–Connecticut Courant, November 6, 1811
November 1 –The money stolen from the treasury of Virginia has not yet been reclaimed.–On Saturday last, a young gentleman was taken up on suspicion, and examined in the council chamber, before the recorder and an alderman of this city. Only $150 was found in his pocket book.–He was sent on for further examination, and is now in jail.–Richmond Enquirer, November 1, 1811
November 2: From New York. Panharmonicon — This chef d’ouvre in the musical world as now exhibiting at the City Hotel, commands the admiration of the auditors, as well as the amateurs as those unskilled scientifically in the “concord of sweet sounds.” This instrument is a combination of other instruments, put in motion by machinery, and playing a variety of pieces, from a solo to the full concert of an orchestra or band. . . . The inventor, Mr. Pardi, of Italy, was 15 years in completing this astonishing work. After gratifying the citizens of Paris with its unrivalled powers, the proprietor brought it to Boston. There it was set up and improved by Mr. Goodrich, a self-instructed artist, whose natural taste for music and untaught skill in mechanics, are probably without an equal in this country, and who now attends it in this city.–New-York Columbian, November 2, 1811
November 2: Albany Register — So cute, to use a Yankey phrase, have our smuggling gentry become, that we are told a lady’s gown has lately been brought into this city from Canada, so elegantly and fashionably, not to say profusely ornamented, that the lacing alone is estimated at Two Thousand Dollars! We presume this gown will prove too fashionable, and will of course be divested of its ornamental lace-work; which may then be disposed of without a violation of the non-intercourse.”–National Intelligencer, November 2, 1811
November 3: From Boston — At a late and numerously attended meeting of the Boston Female Society, organized in 1800, with a view to the support of Missionary undertakings; it was “Resolved unanimously, That the whole subscriptions of the present year be appropriated to the Translations of the Scriptures, carrying out so extensively and successfully, by the missionaries at Serampore, in Bengal.”—Columbian Centinel, November 9, 1811
November 3: From St. Louis –Information has been received by some Indians, that Mainpoc, a principal chief of the Pottowatomies on the Illinois river, has been killed on the river Raison, by a detachment from Detroit. Mainpoc was considered the greatest scoundrel of his nation.–National Intelligencer, December 7, 1811
November 4: UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK — The College of Physicians and Surgeons will commence their session as usual, on the first Monday of November (the 4th) at 12 o’clock, at the government-house; when an introductory address will be delivered by the president, Dr. Samuel Bard . . . .–New-York Columbian, November 2, 1811
For November 5
November 5: Territory of Louisiana. At a meeting of a large number of the inhabitants of the town and district of St. Louis, in the Territory of Louisiana, held at the court house in the town of St. Louis, agreeable to public notice in the Louisiana Gazette, at the stated term of the courts of common pleas and quarter sessions, for the district of St. Louis, on the fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eleven; for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of praying Congress, that what is denominated the second grade of government, be extended to this Territory, that the judges of the General Court may be residents of the Territory, and to ask some further and equitable provisions in favor of the land claimants in said territory.==Louisiana Gazette, November 9, 1811
November 5: Washington — The Twelfth Congress of the United States met at the Capitol this day. Quorums of both houses appearing the members were duly qualified, and a joint committee appointed to wait on the President of the United States and inform him tht they were ready to receive any communication from him which he might have to make. The committee waited on the President and notified him accordingly and received an answer that he would make a communication to both houses tomorrow at 12 o’clock. The House of Reprsentatives proceeded to make choice of a Speaker . . . When Mr. Henry Clay of Kentucky, was chosen Speaker;–the votes were as follows; for Mr. Clay 75. For Geo. M. Bibb, Esq of Georgia, 38—scattering 6 .. . .—Louisiana Gazette, November 30, 1811
November 5: Message of the President —“In calling you together sooner than a separation from your homes would otherwise have been required, I yielded to considerations drawn from the posture of our foreign affairs; and in fixing the present, for the time of your meeting, regard was had to the probability of further developments of the policy of the belligerent powers towards this country, which might the more unite the national councils, in the measures to be pursued.”–National Intelligencer, November 6, 1811
November 6: From New York — “If a Congress convened on Monday, the President delivered his message yesterday noon. The New-York Gazette states, that arrangements had been made there to receive it in 24 hours after delivery. A short passage down Sound may bring it here on Friday, perhaps earlier.”—Columbian Centinel, November 6, 1811
November 7: From Nashville — Extract of a letter from Gen. Thomas Johnson to the editor, dated Springfield,(Ten.) Nov. 20. “This day I saw Mr. Simmons from the neighbourhood of Vincennes, I. T. [Indiana Territory] who informs me, that previous to his starting an express had arrived from governor Harrison’s army on the Wabash, that they had burnt the prophet’s town, after which they encamped in a prairie near that place, that in the night they were attacked by the Indians (which was Thursday the 7th inst.) that the combat lasted about two hours with knife and tomahawk; that the Indians retreated having killed about 50 of our army, and about 150 wounded . . .that great exertions appeared to be made by the savages to get to the Governors marque. I know not the truth of this report, the informant appears confident of its authenticity.”==Nashville Clarion, November 26, 1811
November 7: From New York –MARRIED. At Canton, (China) in May last, Mr. James McComb, of the ship Triton, of this port, to the beautiful Miss Chi Altangi Hoam, youngest daughter of Altangi Hoam, a Mandarin of immense wealth, residing near the English Factory.–New-York Columbian, November 7, 1811
These excerpts are taken verbatim from various American newspapers in the University of Texas’ Bound Newspapers Archive, now in the process of being digitized and returned to safe storage in the Library Storage Facility on the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University of Texas in Austin. To see the current inventory of digitized files of this important historical resource, visit UT’s online Digital Repository (Library Owned Content).
For insights into the collection and the preservation process, visit researcher Mary Bowden’s blog in Viewpoint.
About the Author
Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.