News of the US: Week three of april 1812

April 15:  From Chicago, April 15 — “Our situation here will be very disagreeable for a while, as we are obliged to keep close to the garrison or be in danger of losing our scalps.  The party of Winebagoes that wintered near this place are mostly gone back to the Prophet, as I am told by other Indians.”–Maryland Gazette, July 9, 1812

April 16:  In the Senate — “The bill ‘for ascertaining the titles & claims to lands in that part of Louisiana which lies East of the river Mississippi and Island of New Orleans, was read a second time  . . .”–National Intelligencer, April  18, 1812

April 16:  “From Laguira [South America]  we learn, that after the violent shock of an earthquake on the 25th March, which destroyed a great part of that town . . . they had frequent small shocks till the 16th of April, when they experienced a very severe one which destroyed several hundred persons.  This shock was so severe that not a single house or building was left in the whole town.”–National Intelligencer, May 26, 1812

April 17:  From Washington — “Gen. Wilkinson is to resume the command on the Lower Mississippi; and, we understand, will take his departure from this city in a few days, via Pittsburgh, for New Orleans.–Raleigh Register, April 17, 1812

April 17:  From Geneva (New York) — An express arrived here on Friday evening last, with orders from Gov. Tompkins to Major Gen. Hall directing a detachment of 600 men to be immediately made from his division.  This detachment, we are informed, is to be stationed at Niagara until relieved by regular troops, and is to be under command of Lieut. Col. Philetus Swift.”–New York Spectator, April 25, 1812

April 17:  From Newport — “A Meeting of the Freemen of this Town, was specially convened yesterday–for the purpose of taking into consideration the present defenceless situation of this Town, and to consult upon the expediency of applying to Government for means of defence, in case of War.”–Newport Mercury, April 18, 1812

April 18:  From St. Louis, April 18 — “Accounts from la haut Missouri, announce a general peace among the Indians, it is said that the earthquake has created this pacification.”–Maryland Gazette, May 28, 1812

April 18:  From Batavia, New York — “We stop the press to announce the intelligence of an armed British and Indian force on the Canada side of the Niagara river, apparently with an intention to make a descent on the American side.”—Raleigh Register, May 15, 1812

April 19:  From Charleston — “By an arrival yesterday from St. Marys we learn, that the United States brig Vixen, capt. Gadsden, arrived at Amelia on Friday last, from off St. Augustine, where she had been cruising some days in company with two gunboats.  When she left that station the Spaniards were still in possession of St. Augustine.”–New York Spectator, May 2, 1812

April 20:  “On Monday the 20th ult. at 9 o’clock in the forenoon, the Hon. George Clinton, Vice-President of the United States closed his long and exemplary life.  Amidst the general sacrifice of patriotism and principle on the altar of party, the career of this excellent man appears unblemished.”–Scioto Gazette, May 2, 1812

April 20:  From New London – “The famous French privateer Marengo, captain Ordoneaux, from a cruise, has arrived at New London.”

April 21:  From Baltimore — “Yesterday morning Gen. Dearborn left this city in the Philadelphia packet.  Various rumours have since been spread to increase the apprehension of war.–It is said he is on his way to Albany, where he expects to collect a force of 5000 men by the 1st May, when he is to advance to the frontiers of Canada.”–New York Spectator, April 25, 1812

April 21:  From Washington — “Mr. Sylvanus Baldwin [designer of the first Vermont State House], of Montpelier, Vt. has, we understand, arrived in this city with the newly invented machinery for spinning Flax and Hemp.”–National Intelligencer, April 21, 1812

About the Author

Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.

Mary Bowden