News of the US: Week Three of January 1813
January 15: Reprinted from the London Evening Star — “Our maritime superiority is in fact, part of the laws of nations. It has been the conqueror since men associated together in civilization, to give laws to conquered; and is Great Britain to be driven from the proud eminence which the blood and treasure of her sons have attained for her among the nations by a piece of striped bunting flying at the mast heads of fir built frigates, manned by a handful of bastards and outlaws?’–Raleigh Star, January 15, 1813
January 15: From Washington — “the House were engaged in Debate with closed doors for nearly two hours. The Federal Republican, after mentioning this circumstance, adds–‘When the doors were opened, D. R. Williams, the thunder and lightening man, appeared to be just cooling off from a tremendous paroxysm of passion, and was all over of a tremour. In a few minutes he was conducted out of the hall by two friends, and taken into a committee room, where he was bled.”–New York Spectator, January 23, 1813
January 15: “A Milledgeville paper says, that in all East Florida there are only about a hundred white families an about double that number of hostile Indians, and while it applauds the proffered assistance of the citizens of Tennessee, says their services are unnecessary to subdue so trifling an enemy as there is in Florida.”–Raleigh Star, January 15, 1813
January 16: From St. Louis — “The secret expedition, ordered by Maj. Gen. Harrison, which we noticed to be on foot in our Gazette of the 2nd inst., commanded by Col. Campbell has completely succeeded. A most obstinate battle was fought with the Miamie & Delaware Indians, at Mississinwa, a branch of the Wabash, in which our troops bravely cut to pieces a number of savages and made upwards of 37 prisoners.—three towns were destroyed with a considerable quantity of provisions &c &c.”–Missouri Gazette, January 16, 1813
January 16: “Among the laws passed during the late session of the Legislature of Maryland are the following: A further supplement to an act to incorporate a company for erecting a bridge over Chester river, at Chester Town. An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from the district of Columbia to the city of Baltimore.”–Wilmington American Watchman,January 16, 1813
January 16: From New York –A gentleman at a late fashionable assembly, being asked which of the ladies of the company he thought the most beautiful, replied–“Why madam they are all beautiful, but that lady I think, (pointing to Miss _________ who was dressed in the extreme of fashion) outstrips them all!”–New York Spectator, January 16, 1813
January 17: From Louisville — “Was committed to the jail of this county, on Sunday last, a man by the name of Hopkins, who resided near this place, upon suspicion of having poisoned his wife, with a dose of arsenic.”–Scioto Supporter, January 23, 1813
January 17: Report on General Jackson’s progress –“Intelligence from the general stated that he had passed Eadsville [Kentucky], with Col. Hall’s regiment on the night of the 17th, having previously lost a boat, the private property of some of the officers, which struck upon a rock, and went to the bottom. There is great reason to fear that the ice will block him up at the mouth of the river for several days.”–Nashville Clarion, February 16, 1813
January 18: Letter from Gen. Harrison — “I have the pleasure to inform you that the detachment under col. Lewis, was completely successful in its attack upon the part of the enemy at the river Raisin–their force then consisting of some hundreds of Indians and a company of militia which were placed behind pickets, were attacked by our troops about 3’oclock on the 18th inst. The action lasted until night, when the enemy were completely routed.”–Scioto Supporter, January 30, 1813
January 18: From the Saucy Jack of Charleston — “January 18th fell in with the fine coppered ship Mentor, from London with a full cargo of dry goods, bound for Jamaica.–She struck without firing a gun; is 300 tons. The Mentor sailed in company with 150 sail of merchantmen; she being a fast sailor left the fleet behind. We are in the very place to fall in with them, and there is no doubt but in 3 or 4 days we shall have the pleasure of hoisting the Yankee stripes to their view.”–Richmond Enquirer, February 23, 1813
January 18: From Baltimore — The British sloop of war Tartarus, “took possession of the French ship; took the crew out, and left her in charge of a crew from their ship; they also took a Hampton Pilot Boat, and put on board a quantity of Dry Goods, Brandy and Wine, taken out of the French ship, manned her and ordered her out to the other ships; but the Englishmen having all got drunk, the Skipper of the [Pilot] Boat took the helm, and carried her into Norfolk.”–Democratic Press, January 20, 1813
January 19: From Georgia — “An act has passed the legislature of Georgia for changing the name of the county of Randolph to that of Jasper; the preamble to the law states, that in the conduct of John Randolph [member of the House of Representatives from Virginia], after whom the county is named, they observe such a desertion of correct principles, and such an attachment to the enemies of the United States, as to render his name odious to the people of Georgia, and of the United States.”–Charleston City Gazette, January 19, 1813
January 19: From Norfolk — “Other letters from Norfolk state, the British squadron was reinforced by two additional frigates on Friday evening . . . that in the course of Friday they landed some prisoners, who state that their object in coming up originally was to take the Constellation –that they now declare they must have water, if they land all their men to get it. There is a bar off Hampton, which prevents the squadron from nearing the shore and covering with their guns the landing of their men.”–Charleston City Gazette, February 18, 1813
January 20: From the river Raisin — “Gen. Winchester reinforced col. Lewis with about 250 men on the 20th. On the morning of the 22d, at day break, the American force was attacked by the British and Indians. . . . The Americans are said to have fought bravely until they had exhausted their ammunition, of which, Gen. Winchester had not taken the precaution of supplying the troops; and they were scarcely able to fire five rounds. Those who surrendered on the field of battle, are said to have been made prisoners by the British, while those who attempted to make their escape were pursued by the Indians on horseback, tomahawked and scalped.”–Scioto Supporter, February 6, 1813
January 20: From New York – “The privateer Teazer, of this port, was captured a few days since by the [H. B. M.[ St Domingo and burnt.”—United States’ Gazette, January 23, 1813
January 20: From Wilmington — “On Wednesday last a HOG was sold in the Wilmington (Del.) Market, which weighted 733 pounds. This hog was raised by Mr. Joseph Ball of Mill-Creek hundred.”–The Gleaner, January 22, 1813
January 21: From Ohio — “On Thursday last an express arrived in town, bearing a letter from Gen. Harrison to governor Meigs, dated Lower Sandusky, Jan. 19, 1813. The General has required of the governor two additional regiments of militia to march immediately to the Rapids, for the purpose of filling the ranks of those Ohio troops whose term of service will expire during the next month.”–Scioto Supporter, January 23, 1813
January 21: From Charleston — “The French privateer, brig Comet, captain Briolle, arrived at Charlestown, S. C. the 21st January, from a cruize of 84 days, has made ten prizes . . . . this privateer mounts 14 guns, and had, when put to sea on this cruize, 150 men, of which only 58 are now on board, the others being on board the different prizes.”–Massachusetts Spy, February 10, 1813
January 21: From Burlington, Vermont — “On Tuesday last, was brought into camp a Mr. Sears, of Williston; he was taken on Hog-Island, on his way to the enemy, with a load of provisions. We understand he was arrested by a Lieut. a Sergt. of the U. S. army, and a citizen who volunteered his service. Sears is a giant in strength, and fought until he was overpowered. Those who took him are severely wounded, and are now confined to their rooms.”–Democratic Press, February 2, 1813
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About the Author
Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.