“I-TEAM: Kelly Contamination Cleanup Continues 20 Years Later”

February 19, 2014 

Shortly before the US government’s Base Realignment And Closure commission pulled the plug on Kelly Air Force base, massive contamination was found and the government began a cleanup. After the base was closed, the cleanup continued. The government has spent hundreds millions of taxpayer dollars and two decades continuing their process of cleaning up a toxic mess. During those two decades, dozens of area residents have developed various forms of cancer which the government denies responsibility for, despite the fact the chemicals were spilled on Kelly AFB and contaminated underground aquifers and land under/adjacent to Kelly field. The government maintains it is conducting an appropriate, corrective cleanup. Areas residents, with their numbers dwindling accuse the government of dragging it out, until they all die.

LINK to story online

Submitted by Michael Humphries.

Headliners Foundation