“State of Texas: In-depth – Highway Funding Vote”

October 15, 2014 


In an election season that would bring new leaders to every statewide office and push heated campaigns for those offices into the media forefront, the potential for voters to either overlook or misinterpret other important issues on the ballot was a strong possibility. One of the biggest challenges facing Texas in recent years is how to fund highway construction and maintenance, as the state’s population and traffic grow. With limited funding options, the Texas Department of Transportation said it needed billions more to foot the bill, so the request was put to voters. Our reporting aimed to educate voters on the funding need and risks involved in either passing and not passing the measure ahead of their trip to the polls. We also traveled the state to take an in-depth look at the highway infrastructure problems from traffic, safety, economic and political perspectives with this issue impacting nearly every Texan.

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Submitted by Josh Hinkle.

Headliners Foundation