“A Life Sentence”

Victoria Advocate  
February 28, 2016 

“A Life Sentence” addresses a delicate issue in a nuanced and balanced way. The topic is deeply important, especially in Texas where more prisoners are executed than any other state. The package examines the case that brought back the death penalty to Texas and shows that a case that can appear cut-and-dry on the surface can prove constitutionally unsound. The package is also unique in showing the long-term effects that the appeals process can have on a victim’s family and community. On top of all this, the story was very well-composed and powerful . Graphic artist Kimiko Fieg created a thoughtful print presentation and digital editor Jordan Rubio presents the package beautifully online. Adding to the package are videos from photographers Frank Tilley and Rugile Kaladyte. (An interview with the killer also appeared in the publication and online here.)

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Submitted by Sara Sneath.

Headliners Foundation