“Make It Stop”


January 01, 2017

The Make it Stop campaign started with the tragic suicide of a local high school student, 16-year-old David Molak. He had endured months of cyberbullying from classmates. He took his own life on January 4, 2016.

Students and parents began to write to us that they were having similar experiences. From that, we knew we had to do something. So, we committed to reporting weekly beginning in early 2016 every week on the subject of cyberbullying.

Our reports got the attention of both school activists and lawmakers. We followed their actions with stories along the way- from school rallies to new programs, to the introduction of legislation to combat cyberbullying.

David’s Law became law on September 1, 2017.

LINK to content online

Submitted by Bryan Eckert.

Headliners Foundation